chaerin's shifting circle;

reality shifting info and help

concepts and vocabulary

what is shifting?
in the context of realities and law of attraction, shifting is the act of moving one's consciousness to a reality that matches their vibrations and desires. we shift every second, with every decision we make; for example, if you have the choice to wear a red shirt or a blue shirt one morning, and choose the red shirt, you are shifting to a reality where you decided to wear the red shirt. there is a version of you living in a reality where you chose the blue shirt. it's still you, but your consciousness and vibrations matched the reality where you chose the red shirt.
we can utilize law of attraction to consciously shift to any reality we want.

important clarification:

i see a lot of people referring to this reality as "real life" or believing that shifting is just in your dreams and i would like to give a reminder: shifting is real. when you shift to another reality, it's just as real as the reality you are experiencing right now. nothing makes this reality "real life" any more than your dr. your consciousness is simply residing in this reality currently, thus making it your current reality. not necessarily real life.while lucid dreaming can be a method to help you shift, it is not shifting in itself. shifting to different realities isn't lucid dreaming. it feels and is 100% real.also, you can absolutely shift permanently to any reality you script!! you don't need to worry about staying in this reality if you don't want to. it's totally understandable to have attachments to this reality, to love your family, to only want to shift temporarily etc. but you have no obligation to stay here and you can achieve anything you desire and shift wherever you want. take advantage of that!!

respawn is a form of shifting in which the shifter chooses to die in their old reality as they shift to their new reality. contrary to popular belief, it is not the act of committing s**c*de and expecting to shift; it is when someone who is permanently shifting, chooses for their old body in their old reality to die rather than having a clone after they shift to their new reality. it is important to note that descriptions such as "forced reincarnation" or those that imply bringing harm to yourself, are NOT TRUE.
what is a dr
a dr- standing for "desired reality-" is a reality someone designs, or scripts, with their desires. it can be as simple as them being taller, or as fantastical as them living in the harry potter universe. the possibilities are endless.
i personally use "dr" as an umbrella term to refer to any reality you intend to shift to, because that reality is the reality you desire. even wrs and trs are technically desired realities. additionally, any method that works for a dr will work for any type of reality you wish to shift to.
tr, standing for "temporary reality", is a concept in which a shifter scripts a reality where they'll temporarily shift before going to their fully fleshed-out dr. usually, this has smaller changes, such as them having a wish book, having more knowledge of shifting, or perhaps manifesting someone.
wrs are quite similar to trs in the fact that they are temporary; wr stands for "waiting room", and it is a (generally) small or simple reality someone may shift to to finish scripting their dr. sometimes, someone wants to escape their old reality but aren't quite finished scripting their dr; that's where waiting rooms really come in.
your current reality or old reality refers to the reality you're (probably) reading this in. it refers to, well... your old reality. as opposed to your desired reality, or waiting room, your cr is where you are right now, or where you shifted from. a lot of people use "cr", while others prefer to use "or" because once you shift, your original reality isn't current anymore.
when you shift your consciousness and don't choose to respawn, the version of you left in your old reality is often referred to as your "clone". it is still a version of you, but with a different consciousness; some people believe that your clone can be a "stand in", which is someone else who shifted from another reality to take your place.
many people script things for their clone- they say, for example, that their clone will listen to x playlist or become rich. but really, your clone shouldn't matter, right? there are infinite versions of you; there's a reality where you're an anthropomorphic talking tangerine! but you don't care about that reality, do you? no; you care about the reality you're in. once you shift, your old reality will be in the past. it will not be a part of your current life, so it doesn't have to matter, and thus, it isn't necessary to script anything for your clone or stand-in.
the lifa app is an idea that someone scripted for an app that does not exist in this reality, but you can script to have it in a dr, or even manifest it. most people don't remember who originally made it (if you do, please contact me!!) but here is a really good explanation of the various features involved. there are countless features for scripting, when you're in your waiting room, and even manifesting when you're in your dr! there are tools to automatically script, shift instantly, etc. etc. and even a feature adder, so the possibilities are literally infinite. many people include the lifa app in their scripts, and some have even made variations of it with their own desired concepts and features, such as "wishA" (specifically for making wishes) or "timeA" (specifically for manipulating time).
vibrations are your state of energy. if you're in a good mood and a positive state, you have high vibrations;
if you're in a negative state, you have low vibrations. here is a more detailed description:
"everything in the universe is made up of molecules vibrating at different speeds. this includes trees, bodies, rocks, animals, thoughts, and emotions. human vibrations are composed of everything from physical matter to the way you communicate the thoughts you think. in simple terms, some molecules vibrate faster and some vibrate slower; there are higher vibrations and lower vibrations.when you are vibrating at a higher level, you feel lighter, happier, and more at ease, whereas lower vibrations feel heavy, dark, and confused. almost all spiritual traditions point the way toward higher realms of consciousness, and scientific studies (like that of consciousness research and spirituality author dr. david hawkins) have even quantified the vibrations of different states of being to create a scale of consciousness."everything has vibrations, including your dr. often, it is encouraged to align your vibrations with your dr- listen to music or do things that remind you of your dr, think about how happy it'll make you to be there, etc. generally, your dr will be a place with high vibrations so it's recommended to have high vibrations when you try to shift.
scripting isn't exclusive to the dr community; it's a big thing in general loa, too. but for us, scripting is basically just writing out what you wish your dr to be like. it has general things like your dr name, what you look like, what your life is like, your friends and family, and anything about the world that may be different. you can write it in a list form, ie
"- my name is park chaerin
- i have dark brown hair
- i look like choi hee chu
- i'm going to audition for jyp entertainment"
or in more of an introductory, story-like form, for example:
"hi! my name is park chaerin. i have dark brown hair, pale skin, and large, almond shaped eyes. i live in busan, south korea, and..." (etc.)
this is what i prefer to do, but it's all based on what you're comfortable with and what allows you to best organize your thoughts.basically, the main thing about scripting is that you're writing down what you want in your dr. it isn't mandatory; some people have shifted without scripting! but it's nice to know what you want, and to have it organized and written down. the universe will know where you want to go regardless, but it's nice to script! here is an example of one of my scripts; it certainly doesn't have to be that long, and you don't need to add all of that information, but it's a good idea of things that you can do.
communal shifting
have you ever wanted to shift, but been afraid you'll miss your friends? do you wish you could shift with them? that's precisely what communal shifting is. if multiple people script or plan to shift to the same reality, it's entirely possible and fairly common!
it can be a little frustrating or confusing sometimes, so make sure you have lots of communication and understanding. i recommend sharing a scripting doc/whatever you use to script, and making sure you're really spiritually connected with the person/people you intend to shift withalso, it's not mandatory to attempt to shift at the same time, but some say it can help!!you can also have another version/'clone' of someone if you want them in your dr but they don't want to shift.

stages of shifting

[some info from these posts]now, like i've said, everyone's journey is different; you could shift in a week, you could shift in a year, you could shift after tons of effort or you could shift when you least expect it. but various parts of the subliminal/shifting community have coined a process called the "stages of shifting". basically, many people more or less see similar phases in their journeys; here's what you may expect to experience.1: honeymoon phase
also known as 'adrenaline' or 'sugar rush', the honeymoon stage is when you first discover shifting, decide to shift, or restart shifting and you're super excited. you've finally found a way out of this reality's struggles, your vibrations are super high, you have so many plans and ideas and scripting furiously. you may be seeing a bunch of angel numbers and signs confirming that shifting is the choice for you.
it's good to be excited! but keep in mind that you have quite the way to go. you need to make sure you know what you want, get your priorities sorted, script, and try to stay sensible. if you're obsessed, desperate, and crazy about shifting, it's very easy to crash and burn. try not to expend all of your energy in this stage!2: nothing?
after a while, the signs will begin to wane or even disappear. it's very easy to get depressed and demotivated, wondering if shifting is even for you, thinking thoughts like "i can't shift" or "shifting isn't real" but do not let these thoughts control you!
the universe is testing you to see how committed you are. you need to power through this. i've seen way too many people lose their focus and decide not to shift during this period, and it's really sad to see. just remember that you are meant to shift, shifting is real, and you just have to get through this. as with the honeymoon phase, try not to be too desperate or attached. keep your eyes on the prize, but try to keep your mindset neutral; it will happen when it's meant to happen.3: something!
hooray!! you've gotten through the drought of signs, and now they're flooding back in. consider this a reward; now you'll likely be seeing tons of angel numbers, signs, having high vibrations, and knowing you're on the right track. you may start to notice more 'symptoms' of shifting, such as memory loss, drowsiness, detachment from this reality and you'll just feel... fuzzy.
keep going!4: reattachment
do you really want to go? you may once again be asking yourself if you really want to shift. things may begin to get better in this reality, and you'll wonder if you should just stay here.
no. don't succumb to the temptation. you're getting so much closer- the universe is testing you again. this world's desires and temptations and happiness won't stay, trust me. everything you've ever wanted is getting ever-so-close. just keep going, don't lose motivation, and don't be tempted to stay here.5: numbness
you've gotten past the reattachment stage, and now you feel, well... numb. everything feels strange. you know you're not supposed to be here. depending on your circumstances, signs may either keep going strong, or die down.
for a lot of people, though, everything in this reality turns to shit. your dr is so close and with every passing moment you know you have to go. you likely feel extremely detached.this is often the last stage.conclusion
now, not everyone experiences all of these, but it's really common and it's good to look out for them in your own journey and know what to expect. the most important thing through the process is intent and belief. don't let any stage or scenario get you down because as long as the intent and belief are there, you will shift.

!!on tiktok misinformation!!

as shifting has been introduced to tiktok, it's pretty cool to see new people learning about it! i have no intention of gatekeeping and i'm super happy to see people finding out how possible it is for them to achieve their utmost desires. however, misinformation has been running rampant on tiktok, and it's led to a lot of drama between tiktok and amino, and stress for many.i'd like to clear up some of the information that may be circulating tiktok that is wrong."shifting is dangerous"
nope! shifting isn't dangerous; we shift every moment of every day. when purposefully shifting, you will only go where you want to go. you won't end up in a scary reality (unless you script you do), you won't get stuck there. shifting is natural.
"shifting is wrong/against religion"
once again, we shift every moment of every day! we are CONSTANTLY going to new realities whether we realize it or not. secondly, whichever god(s) you believe in have endowed you with the knowledge and ability to shift. they want what's best for you and they want you to be happy. if you shift, you'd be finding that happiness!
"the raven method [or another method] can give you sleep paralysis"
no method will make you more likely to get sleep paralysis (unless you purposely try to induce sleep paralysis). the raven method itself won't do that! secondly, it depends on the person what they will see or experience during sleep paralysis, but it isn't necessArily bad. a lot of the world has a stigma against sleep paralysis, believing that you see demons or experience scary things. you may get scared if you experience sleep paralysis, but if you see anything, it is just a hallucination. your mind is half dreaming, so any visions you see are not real. i personally never see hallucinations but i understand being afraid of them, but the best ways to resolve it are to be confident and know that there's nothing really there; try to make humor out of the situation; fall back asleep and turn it to a lucid dream or a regular dream; or try to wiggle your toes and break out of it. sleep paralysis isn't dangerous and no method will specifically induce it.
"you can only shift to a pre-existing fictional universe, like harry potter or an anime"; "you can't do x"
nope!! you can shift literally wherever you want. the only limitations are your imagination, and even beyond that. originally, shifting was a way to improve your life in general. yes, you can shift to a reality like haikyuu or my hero academia, but you can also come up with your own custom dr!! you can change anything and everything from your hair color, appearance, voice, intelligence, wealth, house, family, genetics. hell, you could live on mars or in your own fantasy world if you want to!


you can shift without them, but some people find that methods help them shift. methods are exactly what they sound like- methods to shift! most involve visualization to make yourself believe you are in your dr or to provide a process through which you can imagine yourself shifting. not all methods work for everyone, because everyone is different, so i recommend trying different ones and using ones that resonate with you or give you interesting experiences. you can even make your own!!generally, a lot of people do methods while they're going to bed or ust waking up but really, you can do them whenever you want.

general methods

lucid dreaming
one fairly popular method of shifting, and very easy if you can easily become aware of your dreams, is lucid dreaming! if you don't know what lucid dreaming is, here is a detailed explanation- basically, it's when you are aware that you are dreaming, and you can control your dreams. there are various techniques to induce lucid dreaming, and you can actually use it to shift.
amino has several methods to shift through lucid dreaming, but some basic ones are through:-telling your subconscious you are shifting.
since in a dream, you are communicating directly to your subconscious, there are basically no blockages. rather than painstakingly repeating affirmations for minutes or even hours, you can just say "I WANNA GO TO MY DR" or "I'M IN MY DR".
-creating a portal or doorway.
several people have praised the method of simply creating a portal, affirming that it leads to their dr, and entering the portal. it's simple enough; it can even work with just a door. in lucid dreams, if you expect something to happen, it will happen.
i don't know exactly how to explain this one, but i've seen methods in which you almost astral project (key word; almost) in the sense that you consciously shift from your or self's dream, to your dr self's dream. you don't have to consciously imagine your dr, as long as you feel and believe that you are there, and expect and assume to wake up there. i feel like this one is one of the most passive methods, but it's hard to explain.

specific methods

full credit to the original creators of these methods; click the title of any method for a link to where i got it from :)
additionally, here is a masterlist of methods.

sunni method
the sunni method is a pretty classic method! it's quite simple, and doesn't necessarily require visualization to work. one of the charms of the sunni method is that it's about feeling.
basically, you feel your surroundings, and imagine it's in your dr. simple as that. for example, if you are sitting in a chair in this reality, simply imagine and tell yourself that it's a chair in your dr. close your eyes and believe that you're in your dr. imagine how the environment feels, what you would be thinking, etc. and simply do whatever you can to genuinely believe that you are pairs well with visualization, and though it isn't required, many people have a "step two" in which, before bed, you visualize a scene in your dr and feel like you're there. it could be a scene with an important person in your dr, or your first day there- really anything you want, if it's ideal for you to visualize.
elevator method
another very classic and fairly simple method!
in the elevator method, you simply lay down and relax, and imagine yourself getting on an elevator. as it starts to go up, your energy and vibrations will grow higher.once your energy is high enough, and you feel you're ready, stop the elevator at one of the floors- perhaps the top one, or whatever you feel works best. as the doors open, notice it leads to your desired room.see your dr self sleeping, and enter their body. know that you are finally at home and at peace in your dr body, and fall asleep in that body. when you wake up, you should be in your dr.
double sided stair method/momo method
i really love this method. though i haven't tried it many times, i think it's a very creative and cool method, and several people have actually shifted with it. this one is a bit more complicated, but quite effective. it is very powerful and best done with high vibes or after a meditation.
"step 1: get into a comfortable position that you could fall asleep in.step 2: close your eyes and imagine you're in a small room with a large staircase in front of you that's leading up.step 3: walk up the staircase, as you feel yourself walking up the stairs remember moments from your current reality, good and bad.step 4: keep doing that until you reach the top of the staircase. (TAKE YOUR TIME I CAN'T STRESS THIS ENOUGH)step 5: at the top of the staircase should be a mirror. look into the mirror; you see your current self. look into the mirror knowing that this will be the last time you will be able to call this person yourself.step 6: turn around to face the white door in front of you, put your hand on the door knob and feel energy rushing through you as you turn the doorknob.step 7: push open the door to reveal another stair case with a wall at the bottom with another white door.step 8: feel your positive energy raising with each step you take down the stairwell.step 9: once you reach the bottom of the staircase, put your hand on the doorknob and open it.step 10: when you open your door, see someone who is important to you from your desired reality (best friend, spouse etc+). they hold out their hand and smile at you and ask "are you ready to go?"step 11: think about this before answering, do you really want to shift? leave behind your friends and family? are you okay with the last thing that you said to your loved ones, with leaving your clothes and bed and pets?step 12: if you said yes, take their hand and walk with them through the small black hallway imagine the person asking you questions about your ideal reality; "how are you gonna spend your day?" "what are you gonna wear?" "what will you do when you get home?"step 13: walk through the last door and into your desired reality. you have changed the second you open the door into your ideal self. you and the person from your desired reality walk into your desired home, you are greeted by all of your desired friends and family from your dr, talk to them.step 14: they ask you about things in your reality and you answer, once your sure this is what you want, walk to the bedroom of your desired house and get into the bed. get into the same position you started the method in. watch your ideal self fall asleep, then fall asleep for yourself."yes, it's quite long, but as i said, it's effective and i recommend it if you think it'd be a good choice for you!!
sae's method
like the last method, this one is really powerful.
"step 1: get comfy. you can do this in any position. laying down, sitting, i bet even standing will work. i lay down for this part because it’s more relaxing. close your eyes. you can even use a blindfold of some sort. whatever you do, DO NOT open them. you will just end up here.(also. dO nOT fall asleep. i think it will even be hard for you to fall asleep with the amount of energy going on here lmao.)step 2: intend to be where you are going.for example, if you're shifting to your desired reality, say in your head ‘i intend to shift to my desired reality.” if you are respawning to your waiting room “i intend to respawn to my waiting room.” the most important part is to be CLEAR of where you are going and how you are going there. where? wr, tr, dr? how? respawn? shift?now when you say this i need you to 100% be there and try your best to feel the vibration of that sentence. you only need to say it once but if you feel the need to you can repeat it.step 3: for me, it works best when force myself to not move because then the energy can stay in my body. for this step, you will need to feel like you are falling. just make yourself FEEL like you are falling. (taken from falling method)after this, you start affirming, but you don’t just affirm, you have to FEEL excited, passionate and all that good stuff and once you feel it, circulate it around your whole body and amplify it. REALLY amplify it. why are you so happy to be going home? who are the people you love and why do you love them? what’s your first day gonna be like? continue feeeeeling it.step 4: focus on the energy in your body. you probably feel A LOT of energy. do not move a muscle. For me not moving works, but i mean it could just be a limiting belief; move if you really can’t help it - you can still this point you are going to feel really numb and your heart is probably beating really fast, don’t worry; you’re you are focusing on the iNtENsE energy i want you to continue to affirm, but with passion. in this method, affs are useless without conviction. FEEL that are probably feeling your old reality fading away. you are probably feeling the mood of your desired reality now. KEEP on going and affirming and PUSH HARDER!!!do it like childbirth!!!last step! step 5: now, there will come a certain point where all you can actually feel is your desired reality. like old reality who? i don’t know her? by this point the energy will automatically cool down, or you can make it cool down. this is amazing. congrats bby, you shifted. open your eyes; you are home."
stardust method
this isn't a very well-known method, but i thought it was a really cool method and decided to share it.
"Lay down on your bed when you are not too sleepy or too awake, just in between. Put your arms in a BASIC position. This is important. Just lay it on the sides of your body. Use the app atmosphere to replicate what your surroundings are like. Are you in a forest? Mix up some forest sounds. Are you in an apartment? Mix up some home sounds. Are you at the beach? Mix up some ocean sounds. For the people who are like me and cannot visualize, don't worry! Just try to replicate the sensory movements. Try to feel whats beneath you, smell it, taste it. And for those of you who can visualize, you can visualize in 1st and 3rd person! It doesn't matter. Just do it long enough until you feel like your there. Now, look around you. Doesn't it look/feel nice? Explore a bit. Suddenly, you are going to see a pouch! Untie the pouch, look inside it and its glowing Stardust! Now, take out some of the Stardust and put it on your fingers. Feel its tingles. Now rub that Stardust on a wall, the floor, any where that is a flat(ish) surface! When you do that repeat these affirmations:I am going to go into my DR[When this portal opens, I will be able to shift into my DR with ease.]You should feel yourself shaking a bit. When you open up that portal, it's going to seem a bit scary, but do NOT snap out of it! All you need to do is walk into it. For the non-visualizing people, it kinda feels like you're being sucked in by a vacuum. Its really calming ngl.And that's it!"
train method
i know there are a lot of concepts based on the idea of riding a vehicle to your dr, so here is (what i believe to be) the original!
"step 1: relax. relax your mind completely. just lay back and take a deep inhale then exhale softly and calmly. make sure you're completely relaxed before moving onto the next step. just close your eyes and breathe. relax..step 2: get rid of all negative thoughts. we don't want your train to go the wrong direction so we can only have positive thoughts. think of things that make you happy and don't allow negative thoughts to get to you.step 3: imagine you're on a train and you're on a ride to a stop in your desired reality. keep your eyes closed and do not open them. only open your eyes when you feel like you've reached your stop. when you open your eyes, everything will stop. this is why it's important to keep your eyes closed until you get to your this point, you should have made it to your desires. please have a safe journey. goodbye!"fairly simple compared to our previous methods, which some people prefer. whatever works for you <3
i am method
the i am method, partially popularized by neville goddard, is a quite simple method for manifestation and shifting. the key part of the i am method is repeating "i am, i am, i am" to yourself. according to neville goddard,
"Dwell upon just being by saying, “I AM,” “I AM,” “I AM,” to yourself. Continue to declare to yourself that you just are. Do not condition this declaration, just continue to FEEL yourself to be and without warning you will find yourself slipping the anchor that tied you to the shallow of your problems and moving out into the deep.This is usually accompanied with the feeling of expansion. You will FEEL yourself expand as though you were actually growing. Don’t be afraid, for courage is necessary. You are not going to die to anything by your former limitations, but they are going to die as you move away from them, for they live only in your consciousness. In this deep or expanded consciousness you will find yourself to be a power that you had never dreamt of before."according to various sources, simply repeating "i am" in itself is quite powerful- you'll "slip into the deep" and experience a state known as the i am state which can be good for shifting.however, it doesn't hurt to combine "i am" with other affirmations that start with "i am"; "i am god", "i am infinite consciousness," "i am the void", "i am zero percent consciousness," or you can use specific affirmations for shifting such as "i am in my dr/wr/tr", "i am my desired self," "i am happy in my desired reality', "i am grateful to the universe/god," as long as they are positive affirmations that begin with "i am".this is the basis of the "i am" method and state.
people on youtube and amino have developed a step-by-step method based on that, if you wish to follow it.
"1) get into a comfortable position, whether that’s lying down, sitting, soaking in the bath, whatever works for you. just make sure you’re comfortable enough, so that you’re not too focused on your physical body, but not too comfortable that you might accidentally fall asleep.2) put on some binaural beats, specifically theta waves. the goal is to put your brain into theta state, which is ideal for manifestation. i’ve found that 6Hz is the frequency which seems to work best for me, but theta waves can be anywhere from 4-7Hz.3) meditate for a while. take deep breaths, in and out, in and out. do this for about 5-15 minutes. then begin repeating the affirmation “i am” over and over. this is to help you focus on your mind and not your current reality. keep doing this until you feel a change in your physical state. you may start to feel lightheaded or breathless, your heart rate may increase, you might start to feel like your head is floating or your insides are spinning, or like the world is fading away. this is detachment/entering theta state. keep breathing.4) now you need to affirm that you are in your ideal reality. repeat some affirmations such as “i am so grateful to be in my ideal reality” “i am in my ideal reality” you can do many affirmations or just repeat one. pick what works for you.5) really feel that you are in your ideal reality. assume that you are there. only do this once you have fully detached from your current reality. if you haven’t, you’ll get frustrated and distracted, and doubt yourself. focus on this feeling. feel it all over your body. you are in your ideal reality, and that’s the truth.6) start repeating affirmations that affirm that you’re in your ideal reality. for example, “i am (ideal name) and i am (ideal career)” or “i am (ideal name) and i am very wealthy” basically, you want to affirm the reality you wish to shift to, and assume that these affirmations are true. feel them. believe that they are are true.7) keep focusing on the feeling of being in your ideal reality. feel that you are in your reality and that you are your ideal self. feel that you have that clear skin, that straight nose, that big house, those feline eyes, that happy family. if you can believe it, you can achieve it. everything is as real as it feels.8) at this point, you may begin to visualise your ideal reality. your mind may create vivid scenes. that’s great! visualise those scenes and be grateful for them. keep focusing on that feeling of being in your ideal reality.9) when you’re about to shift/shifting, you may feel physical sensations. you might get hot or cold, your body will feel strange, or like it’s moving on it’s own. you’ll know when it happens. after this, you should shift."

raven method
i've been meaning to put this method here for a little while now since it seems to be effective for so many people but i was never able to find a clear explanation for it so i never did. but i finally figured out how it works and i'm here to share it with y'all!!
i'm excited because like i said, this method seems to be really effective. lots of people in my server have either shifted or come closer to shifting via this method, and while i can't exactly find an original source for it, i do have a guide for it."1. lay on your back (it's important that you're on your back) in a starfish position; make sure none of your body parts (that you can control) are touching, and play a subliminal or binaural beat(s) of your choice (i would also recommend simply any audio that detaches you from your physical body/relaxes you, or theta waves!!)2. begin slowly counting to 100- if you have issues with getting relaxed or in a shifting state, you may need to alter that number to fit your needs. (i've personally used 300 but that likely isn't necessary)3. as you start counting, repeat general shifting affirmations such as "i am in my dr" "i am happy in my dr" "i have safely shifted to my dr" and importantly, "when I reach 100 (or whatever number you chose) i have shifted to my dr".

julia/"no sleep" method
here's another method that's apparently very effective; though i don't have an original source for it, i found this guide on my server :)
1. meditate for 5-15 minutes before beginning this method
2. after that lay down in a comfortable position and begin to repeat “I am” in your head or out loud until you feel shifting symptoms (tingling, twitching)3. once that happens, begin saying things in your head like my name is , im __, I go to ___ school, until you feel disconnected from your physical body4. Visualize your DR5. once you’re positive you’ve shifted open your eyes and you should be there :sparkles:"
adhd method
1. lay in a comfortable position. doesn't have to be a starfish position, just has to be one that is comfy to you.
2. when you're comfortable, get headphones or earbuds and listen to a 3d/8d audio. basically just music that moves around in your headphones. this gives you something to focus on (or rather, your adhd/distractive thoughts something to focus on) and will prevent you from moving or getting distracted! best of all, it doesn't even have to be a subliminal or music related to your dr. it could even be asmr. as long as it calms your nerves and is 8d then ur good.3. focus your breaths, start breathing with the tempo of the music or audio (this is why music works well but you could likely work something out with asmr) or whenever the audio makes a full revolution around your head. each time you breathe, count a number. eg. inhale, one. exhale, two. inhale, three.4. every ten breaths (when you count to 10, 20, 30 etc) repeat affirmations. here are the affirmations in one of the videos i found, but it doesn't have to be these exact affirmations!! figure out ones that are easy to remember and work for you :)
i am shifting to my desired reality.
i feel symptoms and i am unafraid.
the closer i get to shifting, the calmer my body becomes.
these can also help subdue any twitching or symptoms from adhd.
5. when you reach 100 (or any other goal number), ask yourself if you have permission (from yourself) to shift. remember: you, above all else, are what shifts yourself. nothing else can tell you not to. you are holding the power, the authority in your hands. by asking yourself for permission, you are asking your subconscious to remove any unconscious blockages or doubts that might be in the way of your goals. if you enjoy visualization, you can even visualize yourself in a white room, facing a copy of yourself who represents your subconscious. they are in front of a door. ask them if you have permission, and they will let you through6. after getting approval from your subconscious, sit back and begin focusing on the music. this is where your adhd becomes beneficial! let your thoughts wander with the music. with most methods, getting random thoughts would be a hindrance, but with this one, you are going to turn those into dr memories. for example, if you randomly think about eggs, turn that into a memory of eating eggs with your dr family. if you get intrusive or negative thoughts, those are the only ones you should disregard. overall, this will immerse you into your dr, making it easier to visualize and with all 5 senses. your mind will also start creating dr memories on its own, and after a while you won't necessarily even have to put any thought into transforming them into dr memories7. make sure the last 8d song in your playlist is a long one (though i don't think this is necessary, and everyone will be doing different things or having different tastes- plus you may reach this step before your "last song"). this will serve as the final stretch into getting you to your dr. use your mind's eye to visualize, as best as you can, your dr self sleeping in your dr bed. make sure that you visualize yourself in the same position you are in in your old reality, for more immersion!credits to @kd_mouse and @yulimoony on tiktok for information on this method

scripting resources

worldbuilding tools
though good old google docs works well for many, tools like and worldanvil are fantastic tools initally meant for fiction worldbuilding; for shifters, though, it can be great for scripting your reality, especially if you intend to shift to a fantasy setting! there are countless tools that are relevant to us; you can script people, cities, families, timelines, and more! on android and ios, you may not find these exact websites, but worldbuilding tools and character management tools can make scripting somewhat easier if you find that you like them.
find desired faces
it may not come as a surprise that one of the best ways to find desired faces is through instagram, but it is, in my experience. if you are planning to be asian in your dr, @ulzzang__girlz and @ulzzang_boyz are two great pages that always tag the people in their photos so you can check out their own page and find more photos.
another great method is to google for attractive people that fit your desires (ie, "pretty girl black hair blue eyes") and if you find one you like, reverse image search so you can find the original source. this is not required but finding the original source allows you to find more photos of that person, from different angles, with different quality, and different situations.
merge faces
sometimes, you may want to create a unique desired face for your dr. tools like morphthing and multi face blender (android) allow you to combine different faces to create one that you may like!! additionally, you can use remini (android) (ios) to make the resulting pictures more clear and realistic.
another great resource is faceapp!! (android) (ios) it can smoothly combine faces, though in my opinion it can seem weird sometimes because the face you put first often seems to dominate. it provides very realistic results though and i love to mess around with it in my free time, and can definitely see it being a good tool for some people.
create desired faces
another really fun and cool resource is called artbreeder. basically, everything is ai generated- but you can combine faces and adjust any parameters you want. you can make more realistic faces, more artsy faces, and even anime characters (or furries, if that's what you want.) there are so many cool options and it's really entertaining (and quite funny, too). i've spent a lot of hours just messing around on this site.
for designing and visualizing your general body measurements, bodyvisualizer is a pretty nice site. you can input height, weight, waist, chest, hip, inseam etc. measurements to visualize what your dr body would look like, and you can make adjustments to determine your ideal measurements.
if you want to see pictures of real people with a certain height/weight, i recommend the photographic height/weight chart. for most heights and weights, people with those measurements send photos of theirselves so you can visualize more realistically what those measurements may look like.also, if you want to know what clothing sizes those measurements would yield, you can use sizecharter! not everyone will find this necessary, but i enjoy using it so script so i know exactly what size i'm going to be in my dr.
house design
i hands-down recommend there are so many customization options once you get the hang of it- you can even overlay blueprints and trace them to help design your ideal house. i love the way you can design the house layout, and there are quite a lot of furniture and decoration options, too. and you have the chance to take a 360 degree or photorealistic picture once you're done!
of course, the sims is a viable, fun, and more user-friendly (in my opinion) way to design a home, too. you can even install custom content for specific furniture and see how people would live in the house. if you have the sims 3 or 4 and haven't already, try designing your dr house in-game!
the sims
the sims has always been a great tool for creating your dr self, dr friends and family, designing houses, and more. however, we all know it's quite expensive.
if you don't own the sims 4 already, and your pc fits the specifications to run the game, there are actually other methods to acquire it for free. they may or may not be legal, but as long as you have a torrenting software like qbittorent and ideally a vpn, you should be favorite source is fitgirl repacks. it's a pretty well trusted site, and i have used it and gotten great results. bonus: it also includes all expansion packs, game packs and stuff packs! if you don't want to go through this site, i understand, but it's actually pretty cool :))edit: i uh redownloaded it last night got a copyright notice from my isp so MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A VPN or maybe i can dm you the installation files somewhere idk,, just b careful ok
fake k-profiles
if you're shifting to a reality where you're in a k-pop group, this is for you!
you can make a fake k-profile like this one. this is my group profile, and it's modeled after KProfiles.i may create a tutorial on how to do this in carrd if anyone wants!
if it's applicable to your dr, fanfictions can be a great inspiration. but you know what might be even better?
aidungeon. aidungeon is a game similar to text-based adventures such as zork if you know about it, but what you can say or do isn't limited. in fact, it's literally's similar to roleplaying or writing a story, except an ai supplies half of the story! it's really fun and great for fleshing out ideas you have for scenarios.just start a new game, and do a custom scenario (type 6). then, type out a prompt that describes your first day in your dr or whatever scenario you'd like to do.this was my prompt:
"you are a young teen living in South Korea with a passion for art and music. you wake up to the smell of french toast and the sound of your ringtone, haru haru by bigbang. you excitedly pick up the phone and speak to your best friend, chaeyoung."
you can guide the story however you wish; undo, edit, or regenerate anything you or the ai writes; and there are multiple ways to do it. you can select "say" to make your character say something, "do" to make your character do something, or "story" to alter the story or write it how you desire- i prefer to do this because it's more like writing an actual script or book, but you can do it however you'd like; and you can make the ai remember specific things, like your name, age, setting friends or anything, really.the ai can be a bit funny or ridiculous sometimes, derailing things or doing something you don't want, but you can always do the "try again" button or edit anything it generates! while it's definitely not perfect, i find it really entertaining and fun, and it worked really well for scripting/roleplaying my first day in my dr! i already had a plan but this made it more detailed and even more fun.

forms of divination; asking for signs

when on your journey, you may feel lost or unsure. you can use divination to ask when you may shift, what you should do, or ask for a message from someone in another reality. there are various different methods, and different things you can do with divination!
perhaps one of the most classic forms of divination, tarot readings are when someone draws random cards from a tarot deck for insight on a question or situation. there are many places where you can get a reading- ideally, you'd get one in person, but you can also get online readings from real people (some people do it on amino), computer-generated tarot, or youtube tarot channels such as this one.
this is probably my favorite form of divination, since i love music. shufflemancy is when you ask a question, then play your music library or playlist on shuffle. the question can be anything, and usually has really good results! often, the universe may repeated play a specific song that is a sign for you without you realizing it until you read the lyrics, so make sure to read the lyrics, interpret them and figure out what it could mean for you. it doesn' have to be based on lyrics, either; it could be the general vibe of the song or how it relates to you sentimentally.
example 1: in the past month or two, wonderland by ateez keeps coming on. i was struggling with shifting at the time, but at one point with shufflemancy, wonderland came on again and i said "what the heck". i looked up the lyrics and found out that it can resonate heavily with shifting, with lyrics such as "we gonna find new world to be mine" "are you just gonna stop here? what you wanted so badly is right here" "on my my way, we’ll create a path that doesn’t exist" "it’s a place some people must go even though it won’t be easy" i was in shock when i read the lyrics; it was clearly motivation to keep going to the reality i've spent all this time planning, and i need to go even if it's hard.example 2. when i was first scripting my dr, i was very conflicted on an issue: who to date. i was torn between bang chan, kim woojin, son chaeyoung, kim namjoon, and a few other people. i'm obviously a very indecisive person and this was giving me trouble for a while.
around february, i was listening to a lot of music and noticed that i am you by stray kids and teddy bear by melanie martinez. you may be able to guess already who this was pointing to; i am you is a song that always makes me think of woojin (that was, like, his era), and what's woojin's nickname? teddy bear. when i realized what the universe was trying to tell me, everything came together; i had also been recieving signs about dating an aries, and this really solidified it. i confirmed everything with a soulmate tarot afterwards!!
edit: so um i just realized that kinda didn't age that well 😳 but trust me, shufflemancy does work.
intuition polls
this is a more recent thing, i suppose, but in amino and on discord, intuition polls have become pretty popular. basically, decide what your question is, and the possible answers or outcomes. assign an emoji to each answer, and create a poll in amino, discord, or another platform of your choice.
do not specify the question, and try to keep the emojis unbiased- you don't want people choosing a specific option based on the aesthetics of the emoji.
make sure you remember which emoji aligns with which option, and tell people to use their intuition. after a while, your poll results will come in, and whichever has more votes will tell you which option, answer or outcome to choose or expect.
simply asking
you can ask the universe for a sign directly, too. aside from things like tarot and shufflemancy, there are other ways it can give answers! for example, angel numbers, blue butterflies or other signs, or even a direct yes or no.
one of the most well-known ways of doing this is by specifying waht means what. for example, ask to see a purple car if you're meant to shift, or ask "rainbows for yes, fire for no". anything, honestly. this whole idea ties in with most other forms, but just so you know, you can ask the universe simply and directly like that, too.

essential things to script

[copied+pasted from my amino post here]so, we all have different drs- for many of us, drastically different. different lives, different nationalities, different years, different worlds. i mean, we're all different people, and the unlimited possible realities means there are literally infinite ways that you could script, infinite worlds to plan. so, of course, everyone's scripts will look different, and that's perfectly fine!!there are, however, a few essential things that you should probably make sure are in your script somewhere.
a way to shift back from your dr.
this may seem counter-intuitive in a way. you've been trying so long, you finally shifted, why would you ever want to go back? well, on all of the other aminos there are countless posts that say things like "I shifted, but shifted back because I wasn't done scripting" or "I shifted, but shifted back because I realized I didn't like the reality." sometimes, you may misscript something or forget to script something, there could be something in your cr you wanted to do first, or you want to share your experience with your friends and other shifters. in any of those cases, you need to make sure you don't get stuck in your dr- there are a few ways you can do this. you can simply script that you have the ability to shift any time you want, instantly, or that you have an app or button that allows you to do so. you could even use a wish book or anything of that nature!
a way to change your dr while you are there.
building off of the first one, here's a way that you can also easily deal with anything you want to alter in your dr, or anything left unscripted. some of my favorite examples of this are wish books and the lifa app, but you could even script that you're omnipotent and can change things at will if you wanted to. this is pretty important even if you have scripted everything, and you're 100% sure and content with everything in your dr, because something unexpected could potentially happen in the future; it's always good to have some security.
the universe fills in anything you haven't scripted in a way that's ideal for you.
this can also relate to those last two, because generally what you may find in your dr that could surprise you is what you haven't scripted. now, it won't just "not exist"- but it could potentially be unexpected or something that you don't feel is ideal for you or your dr life. if you script this, everything will fit in and be ideal for you! it's a simple addition that covers everything you have not scripted- which, realistically, is a lot. but you won't have to worry about those things anymore!
that you know everything in your dr life that you would if you'd been living there your whole life.
that may be a bit confusing, i suppose. but make sure you script that you know all of your passwords, your phone number, your friends and family, your address, where things are in your house, etc. it'd probably really suck to shift to your dr only to not recognize your great aunt, or not know your bank account information. the universe can fill in this information if you'd like, but make sure that you know it!
that the world is a better place.
now, your dr doesn't have to be absolutely perfect in every way. most of us, however still plan to be human and live on earth, which, as it is now, isn't really the best living experience sometimes. i would recommend doing a decreased proportion of things like crime, bigotry, pollution, poverty, and other worldwide issues; you could technically get rid of them completely if you wanted to, but many people prefer for them to exist to an extent in order to keep the world feeling "real" and "natural". just simple things in your script, though, like "pollution is decreased by 90%" "recycling is 90% more prevalant" "violence is reduced by 90%" can make your world a whole lot better of a place to live- for you, and for all of the other people who live there (remember, the people in your dr are real people, too!)
that if you die before shifting, you will shift to your dr.
this one is a little dark, but self-explanatory as to why it's needed, imo- especially because, if you don't script this, you may not know what the afterlife holds, or if you'll end up in another reality.
that you are mentally and emotionally healthy and happy.
if you struggle with mental illness, you probably know that it's not pleasant, but sometimes it can affect your thinking and interfere with the possibility of recovery. i see some people script all sorts of things about their physical body and health, but it's important to make sure your mental and emotional health are in a good place, too, especially when you hold the power of shifting and things like wishmaking in your hands. recovery from many things can be really difficult- trust me, i understand- but if you script that you are free from mental illness or emotional issues, shifting will come as even more of a relief. no matter what anything or anyone may try to make you believe, you are worthy of recovery and happiness. you deserve to shift, and you deserve total health and happiness.

subliminals and audios

shifting audios that have yielded results
eggtopia - "shift to wr/dr INSTANTLY subliminal (listen once) 』"

respawn audios that have yielded results

astral projection audios that have yielded results

lucid dreaming audios that have yielded results

other audios that have yielded results
I AM Affirmations by Lovemotives - "This Audio Can Change Your Life Forever🧘🏻♂️ Powerful"


you may be new to shifting, or you may have been in the community for years. some people have been trying to shift for up to 6 years, while others shift in less than a week after first discovering it.why are things like this? i know it can get really discouraging if you've been trying for a long time and haven't shifted yet. i personally am around the 2 year mark of my journey, and i know it can be may think that you aren't meant to shift, or that it's not even real. but trust me. you were MADE to shift. the universe showed you the community for a reason. you have the potential and the power to do whatever you want.everyone and their journey is different. i know it can get annoying, especially if you've been trying hard with no luck, but please just keep going. the universe will test you, but in the end, you will shift. it will happen when it's meant to happen- that could be tomorrow! don't give up, because there's always hope.think about all you've worked for. all of your scripts, your plans, your hopes and dreams for your dr. it could all be just a breath away. as long as you just keep going, it WILL happen sooner or later.

here is a masterlist of people who have shifted!!
basically i compiled a bunch of profiles from various aminos and got rid of the dead links.
𝓝𝓸 𝓷𝓪𝓶𝓮 {Gone}
❝ ˗ˊˎ ᏟᎾᏔ ᎷᏆᏞK ˎˊ˗ ❞
Valentina Rose
𝙖𝙡𝙚𝙭. [amino hiatus]
angel. (2)
quakers;she's an actress
gone #𝚋𝚕𝚖
☄ mai
Hylie ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙(shifted)( not anymore)
Wanda Wendy~
Aurian Timothy Lee <(a.k.a Christian)>
Brookie's friend
Angelic Sketch
I den dipped
Vivian Rook
please forget about me
ପ ai ଓ
I'm at my DR
Starry Night ✨
latte <3
𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒅 ♡
◦•●◉✿ H』『i』『y』『o』『r』『i ✿◉●•◦
Min Yoon-gi BtsArmy
Kang Haneul
Reddit Shifters
A 🔥
𝚌𝚘𝚘𝚙𝚜 // クーパー
The TG Bookshop
+ countless more!!!! seriously lol this list is a work in progress i'm not even halfway done

have any questions or feedback?
feel free to contact me on discord (my name is 𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘦#1127), youtube at spearmint audios, twitter at @joonienoodle, or instagram at @joonienoodlesoup. please keep in mind that these are all my personal accounts so please be considerate <3 thank you!! (also, i'm mostly active on discord so that's probably your best bet if you want to get ahold of me haha)
i can answer any questions about shifting or loa and help you personally on your journey to going home :)) don't be afraid to get ahold of me if you have any questions or feedback about this carrd!!i also have a discord server for shifters and respawners to come together, discuss various dr related things, and overall have a good time :)) please feel free to join! we're open to anyone who's shifting or even just wants to learn more about it. we also discuss general loa topics as well if you aren't necessarily a shifter but want to talk about subliminals or manifestation.

update log

updated 08-01-2020: added info about aidungeon, some essential things to script, information about divination and asking the universe for signs, and more general stuff about scripting! also had to remove the white background container things in order to allow for more elements :(
08-06-2020: added more info about methods, the stardust method, and communal shifting; added info about the stages of shifting!; also moved this stuff to the update log hehe
09-04-2020: (apologies for the lack of update lately! my laptop broke and i just recently got access to another computer) added the i am and raven methods, and also added a reminder/clarification about shifting that i've been meaning to add for a while. it's in "concepts" right after the first explanation of shifting.
10-01-2020: i am so so sorry for not updating the carrd recently!! with school starting, and also drama in the shifting community, it's been difficult to focus on some things. anyways, i added some things to combat misinformation as there has been a lot of that lately. also mentioned picrew!!
12-16-2020: updated the discord server link; please feel free to join!
12-22-2020: added information about artbreeder; also decided to link my old script (it's under "scripting" in concepts). i might consider adding a whole new section regarding scripting, with more examples, if u guys would like. also added the julia method.
3-30-2021: oop it's been a hot minute since i did anything here uh,,,,,,,,,, anyways! i added the adhd method :)